Law with a cause - to the benefit of all South Africans  
  Family Law  
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Legal advice
domestic violence
child abuse

Psalm 140:12. "I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and justice for the poor."

Can't afford to hire a lawyer?

Here are some options for seeking legal aid and advice.

In criminal matters, everyone is entitled to legal representation. In civil matters, you must pass a means-test, based on income, to qualify for assistance. The income requirement for this means-test is low, so aid is available only to the lowest income groups.

To find out whether you qualify, approach the legal aid officer at your nearest community Family Law Clinic or magistrate's court - a legal aid officer is appointed at every magistrate's court - or your nearest Legal Aid Board justice centre.

There are over 40 Legal Aid Board justice centres throughout the country.

You can also approach the Legal Aid Bureau, the Legal Resources Centre, or a university law faculty

Finally, you could approach an attorney directly. This will cost more, but can be very effective - an attorney's letter threatening legal action often settles a matter quickly.

amily law clinics   Assisting families with affordable advice in all matters regarding legal issues. Law with a cause




egal service to the community

The FamilyLaw Clinic was launched by attorney Rob Green in 2008 in Somerset West as a result of personal experiences regarding unjustified legal action.

"The FamilyLaw Clinic is a registered non-profit organization dedicated to providing free legal advice and access to affordable legal services to people that have had restricted access to justice due to a variety of reasons ranging from lack of finance, lack of awareness of human rights to lack of available services in their community."


We assist primarily women, children and the elderly with all family law related issues such as domestic violence and abuse, marital relationship breakdown, maintenance, parenting plans and child access, mediation and dispute resolution, and closely related issues, including debt related problems, asset protection, and estate planning. 

We work closely with other service providers, including attorneys, social workers, child welfare, counseling and other professionals to insure access to justice and social welfare for all. We are a growing network of Family Law Clinics with offices in Cape Town, Macassar, Broadlands Park and Somerset West, with plans of expansion to several other impoverished and developing communities in and around Cape Town and throughout the Western Cape.

The FamilyLaw Clinic vision is to plant clinics in areas of need throughout South Africa and the greater Africa region, managed by citizens of their respective communities who are trained and mentored by qualified and experienced members of the Trust.


Every FamilyLaw Clinic planted in a community creates an opportunity for specialist skills training and job creation. Each clinic is staffed by three or more individuals that will be trained in paralegal services and basic business skills and mentored by the FamilyLaw Clinic Trust .

Each FamilyLaw Clinic is designed to become self-sufficient and generate its own funds. Thus the FamilyLaw Clinics offer more than just legal advice and procedure, but also offer job and career opportunities through practical training and work placement to suitable applicants that wish to pursue paralegal services.

In support of our policy to make every clinic self-sufficient, we also provide computer skills training along with basic skills in business management, both of which are backed up in our respective clinics on an ongoing basis.


Family Violence
Child Abuse
Sexual Offence
012 393 2363

0860 010 111

Women Abuse
0800 150 150

0800 055 555

AIDS Helpline
0800 012 322
011 725 6710



  The Family Law Clinic Trust is a registered Non-Profit Organisation. Registration number: 044-880-NPO  
  All content on this website is the copyright of the Family Law Clinic Trust. Any use thereof is strictly forbidden  